Why upgrade your power? (BROWSE ALL OUR POWER PRODUCTS HERE)
A short answer:
- Power fuels your Hi-Fi components.
- Feed them clean power and they will work more efficiently.
- Feed them dirty power and they will work less efficiently.
You want your components to work efficiently, right?
Then you need to invest in cleaning your power supply.
Want to know more?
Read on...
Like petrol in a car, electricity is the 'fuel' that powers your system.
And, like petrol, if this 'fuel' is dirty or polluted, you may be compromising performance...
No matter how good the system.
In fact...
you could argue that the better the system, the more it’s capable of highlighting the problems.
And that can lead to changing expensive components in the hope that they will solve the problem.
But the problem remains...
That's why we believe it's really important to get your power supply sorted first
Before you improve anything else.
Make Power Your Priority

If you start by upgrading your components, or your interconnects and speaker cables, you could end up making things worse.
Because one of the key advantages of better-quality components (and cables) is that they help to reveal more of the information that’s on the recording.
Trouble is, they’re equally adept at revealing more of everything else...
Including any issues caused by a noisy mains supply.
Think back to the car analogy:
A high-performance sports car is much more likely to be affected by poor quality fuel.
And it's the same with Hi-FI
Get the power right first,
And then any improvements you make further down the line
Will only bring you benefits.
Read our advice on which mains products to use first
View our range of mains products
A little bit of a background...
The Hi-Fi Establishment was, for many years, quite dismissive of the importance of clean power on sound quality.
Back in 1986, we introduced the first commercially availble audiophile mains cable in the UK - that gives you an idea of where the industry was back then.
Fortunately, things have changed and most people in the industry today recognise the importance of a clean electrical supply for the efficient performance of any Hi-Fi system.
Get the best from your Hi-Fi - whatever the level
It is now widely accepted that poor mains quality ruins the sound of even the best equipment. In fact, the better the equipment the bigger the difference.

On the other hand, even the most modest system benefits enormously from good mains.
An example of the importance of mains quality to sound quality is the effect that a high quality mains cable can have on even lowly portable stereos.
If you can hear the difference an improved mains cable can make to even the lowest of the low in Hi-Fi terms (and in our experience, you can) then just think how much bigger the difference will be on better equipment.
We believe that the quality of your mains power is absolutely fundamental to the reproduction of music.
We say ‘fundamental’ because electricity is the source of all the music from a system and the quality of the sound depends directly upon the quality of the power.

The best way to to assess the difference upgrading your mains can make, is to try some upgrades yourself and trust your own ears.
You can avoid any risk by taking advantage of our 60-Day Money-back Guarantee to trial our various options.
Browse our range of mains products