The Supplier AC 12v

Pure AC Power!
This model of The Supplier AC is designed specifically for the following components;
The Supplier AC contains the functionality needed to create a high resolution AC power supply tailored specifically for your equipment. The Supplier AC features a precision rack-wound transformer which gives better tolerances and superior stray magnetic field rejection than some high-speed wound types. Regulation is also far superior to off-the-shelf designs – for example, manufacturing time is estimated at four times that of a high-speed wound transformer to ensure precise accuracy.
As well as accommodating an extremely high quality transformer, The Supplier AC also includes Silencer mains filtration on the input. All internal wiring is Kimber. A cool, yellow LED shows unit operation.

What's included
Output voltage: 12v AC
Max current: 1A
Plug: 2.1mm
UK and Europe voltage compatibility 230V-240V input
UL-approved custom casework
Dimensions: 150mm x 53mm x 210mm WHD
2 year guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

Don't forget! We are so confident in the performance of this product that it is covered by our 60 Day Home Trial with Money Back Guarantee. Buy the product and if you're not completely satisfied, you can return it within 2 months for a refund. For full details click here.