The Buzz Trolls book

A book about Hi-Fi? That’s rare but not that unusual. A children’s book about Hi-Fi? Now that must be a first!

The Buzz Trolls is the brainchild of Andreas and Emma Svalander, a couple who run Svalander Audio, an online Hi-Fi retailer in Sweden. The idea for the book came about out of the blue one day when Emma was packing orders for despatch. She recalls: “What if humming, hissing and buzzing really are signs of small monsters or trolls who live inside the stereo?” By lunchtime, Emma had shared the thought with Andreas and the two of them decided that it would be great to write a children’s book based on the idea.
Andreas is used to writing, as this forms a key part of his work, but this is formed daily of product descriptions and instruction manuals. Writing a children’s book was a real departure and one he relished as it allowed his to be far more creative.
Growing up, Emma’s father had been very interested in Hi-Fi and, although The Buzz Trolls isn’t based on personal experience, it does contain a lot of recognisable elements from Emma’s childhood. You can see the enthusiasm in her wonderful illustrations that feature throughout the book.

The Buzz Trolls is sure to put a smile on your face, and is a great bedtime read for young children. “The response here in Sweden was very good” writes Andreas. “We introduced the book at the High End Show in Stockholm last year. Many of our older customers laugh and said "finally a book for the grandchildren, about something important!”
The Buzz Trolls by Andreas & Emma Svalander.
Hardback. 40 pages illustrated in colour throughout.