4 out of 5

Clamping spikes and surges
SuperCubes are two-way power adaptors incorporating our SuperClamp components.
SuperCubes contain two components – one a fast, solid state device culled from aerospace applications and the other a varistor to absorb the spike energy. These two components are mounted into a convenient two-way cube and is useful if you have run out of power sockets in your Hi-Fi system's mains extension. The SuperCube allows you to add an extra socket whilst helping to reduce the effects of voltage spikes and surges.
There's more information on SuperClamps on the SuperClamp product page here.
SuperCubes contain two components – one a fast, solid state device culled from aerospace applications and the other a varistor to absorb the spike energy. These two components are mounted into a convenient two-way cube and is useful if you have run out of power sockets in your Hi-Fi system's mains extension. The SuperCube allows you to add an extra socket whilst helping to reduce the effects of voltage spikes and surges.
There's more information on SuperClamps on the SuperClamp product page here.
Maintaining their effectiveness
SuperClamps wear out over time and become less effective: we recommend replacing SuperClamp components in the SuperCube every five years. Any product with a SuperClamp can be returned to us for factory replacement of the parts at lower cost than buying a new one. To arrange this, Contact Us.
Money Back Guarantee

A spike is a very brief over-voltage 'event' ranging from a few tens of volts above the highest legal peak voltage (360V for 230V), up to several thousand volts. They are typically under 1 millisecond in duration, are very common and often (though not always) the energy involved is small. Longer duration events are called surges and have the potential to do more damage, but mercifully these are less common.
Spikes are caused by things such as lightning strikes, power outages, tripped circuit breakers, fluorescent lights, refrigerators and washing machines switching on and off. The quality and severity of spike activity varies during the day, and from day to day. Even with well-designed equipment, spikes or transients – if regular – can and will prematurely stress and wear out critical mains-connected parts and their insulation.
In our opinion, high voltage spikes can also cause audible degradation of Hi-Fi sound by their effect on a Hi-Fi system's power supply and by raising the background noise level in amplification circuits. The spikes saturate the core of the mains transformer, preventing normal transformer operation during the period of each spike and causing distortion to the waveform. Mains spikes reduce the capacity of the power supply by 'strangling' the transformer operation producing subjective effects on an amplifier like softened bass and increased high frequency distortion.
Spikes are caused by things such as lightning strikes, power outages, tripped circuit breakers, fluorescent lights, refrigerators and washing machines switching on and off. The quality and severity of spike activity varies during the day, and from day to day. Even with well-designed equipment, spikes or transients – if regular – can and will prematurely stress and wear out critical mains-connected parts and their insulation.
In our opinion, high voltage spikes can also cause audible degradation of Hi-Fi sound by their effect on a Hi-Fi system's power supply and by raising the background noise level in amplification circuits. The spikes saturate the core of the mains transformer, preventing normal transformer operation during the period of each spike and causing distortion to the waveform. Mains spikes reduce the capacity of the power supply by 'strangling' the transformer operation producing subjective effects on an amplifier like softened bass and increased high frequency distortion.
Customer Reviews
Overall product rating
4 / 5
4 / 5
reviewed by Nathan
31 Mar 2018
Yes, I recommend this product.
"Does What It Is Supposed..."
Used a couple to add two sockets to my X6 block to cater for all my A/V set up. Haven’t done any A/B testing, to clarify, but certainly no noticeable detriment to sound or vision. I have prioritised HiFi kit directly into the X6 mind.
4 / 5
reviewed by Cliff Perry
03 Dec 2016
Yes, I recommend this product.
"An Worthwhile Little Product"
I bought one to allow me to plug in a Clarity Mains unit, as I'd run out of sockets. You may think £26 a little expensive for a 2-way plug, but I did compare it with a generic adapter and found that the result with this clouded the soundstage. With the SuperCube in place it was much more open. It may well be a spike and surge filter, but it also seems that the quality of materials used in the adapter help to maintain good transparency when added to the replay chain.