Russ Andrews Cone Feet review
Sunday, 2nd December 2012
Hi-Fi Choice magazine take a listen to the effects of our Cone Feet - a simple but highly effective solution to equipment support based on the same principles as our Torlyte rack system.

The naturally efficient feet.
There are some very complicated and highly engineered - and expensive - options for the feet to support your equipment. In this company, a simple wooden foot may seem too basic, but don’t let that fool you: wood is a technically superb material for channelling sound-degrading vibrations away from sensitive audio equipment. The fact that it’s also uncomplicated and inexpensive is simply a bonus.
As the reviewer points out, “there are two schools of thought when it comes to equipment supports. One says it’s best to isolate equipment from the surroundings, and the other claims it is preferable to rigidly couple the equipment to the surroundings.” Quite rightly, he notes that our Cone Feet “fall into the latter category”.
Bad Vibrations
Vibrational energy from many sources, including acoustic feedback from the room, is the key problem, so the Cone Feet work by coupling “the equipment to which they are fitted to the rack that it sits on, thus channelling this energy away from it”.

Cone Feet come in four sizes: Mini, Small, Big and Jumbo and we recommend using the largest possible that will fit the individual Hi-Fi component (use Jumbos – as tested - where practicable, but the other sizes are an option for smaller pieces of equipment). The point is; the larger the cone, the bigger the effect.
We supply the Cone Feet in sets of three or four – three are our recommendation as the ‘tripod effect’ prevents micro-rocking.
The reviewer suggests that the feet can be used either “pointing down or alternatively they can be used freestanding and pointing up” but we would always advise ‘point down’ as this works most effectively.
In use, he found that:
“the sound became cleaner, more dynamic and musical’ and concluded by adding: “At the price, they represent a great value upgrade”

Magazine: Hi-Fi Choice
Issue: December 2012
Verdict: Five Stars, Recommended
Click here to buy Cone Feet
Written By Simon Dalton