Ringmat Statfeet
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Statfeet are 89mm squares of conductive polypropylene film, coated with specially formulated inks to form powerful, yet passive, electrical devices. Their unique design, using Ringmat Developments’ proprietary STATMAT® technology, breaks up the interference from electromagnetic fields that would otherwise build up around components from their surroundings.
Statfeet are used under Ringmat Feet, the feet of components, or under Ringmat Domes, cones or other forms of single point isolation support where they are used in place of a component’s own feet or where a component has no feet of its own. Such components may be loudspeakers, turntables, CD, DVD and SACD players, televisions, video recorders and other items of hi-fi or A/V equipment. Each loudspeaker should be considered a separate component.
Statfeet should be used under only one foot of any component or under only one Ringmat Dome, cone or other form of single point isolation support where these are used in place of a component’s own feet or where a component has no feet of its own.
We recommend one of the rear feet of a component (or Ringmat Dome, cone or other isolation support), usually the one on the right (assuming there are two rear feet or positions). However, some experimentation as to which component foot to use may be worthwhile in view of differences between components. For televisions place under the right hand front foot because of the static associated with the screen.
Statfeet should be used underneath a component in only one location.
Statfeet are used under Ringmat Feet, the feet of components, or under Ringmat Domes, cones or other forms of single point isolation support where they are used in place of a component’s own feet or where a component has no feet of its own. Such components may be loudspeakers, turntables, CD, DVD and SACD players, televisions, video recorders and other items of hi-fi or A/V equipment. Each loudspeaker should be considered a separate component.
Statfeet should be used under only one foot of any component or under only one Ringmat Dome, cone or other form of single point isolation support where these are used in place of a component’s own feet or where a component has no feet of its own.
We recommend one of the rear feet of a component (or Ringmat Dome, cone or other isolation support), usually the one on the right (assuming there are two rear feet or positions). However, some experimentation as to which component foot to use may be worthwhile in view of differences between components. For televisions place under the right hand front foot because of the static associated with the screen.
Statfeet should be used underneath a component in only one location.