Kimber Timbre with MiniZaps Review
Monday, 10th October 2011
Martin Colloms of HIFI CRITIC magazine included a review of Kimber’s Timbre interconnect fitted with MiniZaps™ in the Oct-Dec 2011 edition

With a limited time available, and no opportunity to burn the cables in, he set to work using the cables between a Metrum Octave DAC and an Audio Research Reference 5 preamp. Listening first to the unmodified Timbre, his impression was much as he had remembered from his last experience of the cable: “Timbre has an inherently crisp clear sound with firm bass”.
Timbre with MiniZaps
Moving on to the Timbre MiniZap version was like listening to a completely different cable “with immediately noticeable audiophile qualities”. He reported that it is “sweet, detailed, spacious, with a firm articulate bass and a very clear character”.
The difference in performance between the two versions of the cable was large indeed, prompting him to conclude:
“Whereas the standard Timbre interconnect has a historic sound quality score of 30, the new MiniZap design, with no special plugs or whatever, jumped straight into the reference class at 93 marks. This great cable design is thus highly recommended. Hats off to the MiniZap RFI control technology!”

Magazine: Hi-Fi Critic
Issue: Oct-Dec 2011
Verdict: Recommended
Click here to buy Kimber Timbre with MiniZaps
Click here to read Jason Kennedy on the standard Timbre interconnect
Written By Simon Dalton