You have two ways to use your voucher code:

1. Call us on 01539 797300 quoting the code - we'll apply your discount for you.

2. Choose the items you want to buy on the website. At checkout, you'll be asked if you have a promo code:

Promo code image

Click on "Do you have a promo code?" and a drop down box will appear for you to enter the code:
Promo code image 2

Enter your code in the box and click "APPLY". Your discount will be applied automatically to all items included in the offer.
You can still take advantage of our Cable Upgrade Scheme with this offer, so if you are thinking of moving up to the next level, now is the perfect opportunity to save twice.

Learn more about our Upgrade Scheme.


Terms and conditions.

1. This offer cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion, including Warehouse Clearance and Pre-Owned items. 2. This offer runs until 11.59pm Monday 24th February 2025. 3. These terms do not affect your statutory rights. Our usual T&Cs apply - click here