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HiFiPig.com Network Purifier review

Monday, 10th March 2025

Following its award from Audiograde.uk, online magazine HiFi Pig take a close look - and listen - to our new Network Purifier™, and come away similarly impressed...

Network Purifier

Like many, despite having heard the differences our products can make over the years – her most recent experience being the review of our RF Router back in August, which you can read here – Janine Elliot admits to being a natural sceptic when it comes to accessories. The results of testing the Network Purifier came as somewhat of a surprise then…

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of the review, Janine precedes her testing with a brief background to the development of the MiniZap technology, how they were first developed for us by Ben Duncan, based on a Zobel network, and how that tech has been adapted over the years to a range of noise-reducing products adapted to a variety of applications. Janine notes that the product under review here utilises “no less than eight MiniZap filters”.

View the whole Zapperator™ range

Noting its high-quality build, and allowing the product a week or so to burn in, she started her listening with a familiar track from Jethro Tull played via Qobuz, noting how enjoyable the 3D soundstaging and musical transparency were with the Network Purifier in place. Taking it out again had an immediate and equally dramatic effect:

“[without the Network Purifier] the soundstage collapsed and the music was slower and muddy. It was like going from an 8k 98" Samsung QLED TV to a 32" Pioneer plasma.”

Switching to the track Fakest Bitch by London Grammer, she noted how the transients tightened up with the Network Purifier in place, as did the bass, along with a cleaner
presentation (though slightly less imposing) on the track Hey Now.

Changing to Classical, Jannine played a ‘recomposed’ version of Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons by German-British composer Max Richter. In what sounds like a complex and challenging piece, she reports that the addition of the Network Purifier “helped keep the music on its toes with greater detail and speed” and “also gave a quieter noise floor resulting in greater dynamics and information detail and better soundstage”.

In summing up, Janine notes the difficulties which can often be experienced with digital music, in particular the way in which unfiltered “digital sources can often sound claustrophobic or even distorted due to the interference”.
"Network Purifier kept the music more relaxed and unfettered”, she says, and ”kept the music much more focused and with a cleaner top-end … and better imagery.”

“It works”, she concludes, “but I really noticed it did so when I didn’t connect it!”.

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Media: HiFiPig.com, online magazine
Publication date: March 2025
Verdict: Five Hearts

Buy Network Purifier

Read about the Audiograde.uk review


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