Customer Reviews
Overall product rating
5 / 5
5 / 5
reviewed by Dale Thorn
03 Feb 2018
Yes, I recommend this product.
"Dr. Wang And Dr. Yang Play Gershwin To Korngold."
Another outstanding recording from the IsoMike recording team - my third so far, and what a sound they've captured here. The title - Romantic Album - is apropos, as I can close my eyes and listen spellbound to heavenly violin music backed by piano in high resolution. I have violin recordings ranging from good to sublime - in CD resolution mostly, but hearing this album in high-res is reason enough to turn off the world and spend the evening listening all the way through - twice even. Gershwin and Korngold are well-known and familiar to me, but I wasn't conversant with Sr. deFalla or Ms. Beach until now. Then again, Mr. Wang and Ms. Yang could play The Three Little Fishes etc. etc. and I'd buy it. Highly recommended!