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Etymotic ER-20 High Fidelity earplugs

This page has been left available for informational purposes only
Protect your hearing!
Why would a Hi-Fi website be offering earplugs? There are two very good reasons for offering these high quality plugs.
First, they're perfect to use when you're listening to concerts or are in clubs. They vastly lower distortion levels, so you hear much more of the music (and less of the 'noise'). How do they do this? Well, because they're enigineered to lower the sound level across all frequencies equally, it remains intelligible, voices are clear and there's no muffling. Quite simply, you'll enjoy the music at your concerts all the more.
Second, protect your hearing when you are out and there's a good chance you'll be able to enjoy your music from your Hi-Fi system back home in more detail... for longer!
Made by Etymotic, sold under the Shaw brand. Sorry, for hygiene reasons these items are non-returnable. Your statutory rights are not affected.