5 out of 5

Give your system that high-end sound
KIMBER’s PBJ Interconnect is one of our best selling interconnects because its materials and design gives such a High-End sound. Plug this cable into your system and the sound will be sweet, natural and rhythmic.
The name PBJ? In USA, where it is made, PBJ stands for peanut butter and jelly. In the UK we’d have called it ‘bread and butter’ – the ‘staple diet’ for your Hi-Fi or Home Cinema system.
Signal only cable
Type E 5 Pin to 180 5 Pin 180
(example connection - CD Player to Pre amp)
Customer Reviews
Overall product rating
5 / 5
5 / 5
reviewed by Simon L
11 Feb 2021
Yes, I recommend this product.
This was a replacement for a very old Chord Cobra DIN to phono, which I had paired with Rothwell in-line attenuators connecting a Naim ND5 XS to a NAC202. This interconnect sounds great. I was expecting it to be better but I was not prepared for such a dramatic all round improvement. I have Linn Kans (MKII) which can be a bit bright but with the PJB installed, the sound is smoother with better separation, an improved sense of dynamics/scale and a wider soundstage and it's not even burnt in!
I had a friend over when I first tried it who is very sceptical about these things and even they were confounded by how good it sounded.
5 / 5
reviewed by Bjarne Rasmussen
12 May 2017
Yes, I recommend this product.
"High Quality"
High quality. Works as expected.