Home > Cables > Analogue Interconnects > DIN Interconnects > PBJ DIN > DIN PBJ Type BQ wired for Quad
DIN PBJ Type BQ wired for Quad

Give your system that high-end sound
KIMBER’s PBJ Interconnect is one of our best selling interconnects because its materials and design gives such a High-End sound. Plug this cable into your system and the sound will be sweet, natural and rhythmic.
The name PBJ? In USA, where it is made, PBJ stands for peanut butter and jelly. In the UK we’d have called it ‘bread and butter’ – the ‘staple diet’ for your Hi-Fi or Home Cinema system.
Signal Only cable
Type BQ 4 Pin to 4 Pin (Wired for Quad only)
Type D 4 Pin to 5 Pin 180