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Meridian Ellipse: stunning streaming speaker

Meridian Ellipse: stunning streaming speaker

Wednesday, 1st May 2024

Back in early April 2024 we were intrigued to receive an invitation to attend Meridian’s headquarters near Cambridge for a new product reveal. ‘True Meridian Performance – Distilled’ said the header on the invite.

Hi-Fi Choice review Clarity Pro 2.0

Hi-Fi Choice review Clarity Pro 2.0

Tuesday, 23rd April 2024

Hi-Fi Choice review the latest addition to the Clarity™ range of system enhancers and finds it a very worthwhile investment.

SuperRouter Signature - Hi-Fi+ Review

SuperRouter Signature - Hi-Fi+ Review

Friday, 15th December 2023

Jason Kennedy takes a listen to the effects of our flagship RF Grounding device and comes away mightily impressed...

StereoNET review Evolution-300 PowerKord

StereoNET review Evolution-300 PowerKord

Wednesday, 13th December 2023

John Pickford, of online Hi-Fi magazine StereoNET, has a good listen to our Evolution-300 PowerKord, and comes away impressed.

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