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The Audiophile Man X6 Review
Tuesday, 27th January 2015
Paul Rigby (The Audiophile Man) takes a good look at our X6 mains extension block.

SuperFuse Review
Tuesday, 13th January 2015
An excellent review of our SuperFuses appears on Paul Rigby's website theaudiophileman.com.

Tuesday, 16th December 2014
Readers of my column in Connected magazine will know that over the last eighteen months I have been discovering recordings from the 'Golden Age of stereo' dating back to the 1950s and 1960s. Whilst I'm still collecting and listening to CDs, most recently (probably to do with the longer nights) I've been turning my attention to my Home Cinema system and watching movies.

Monday, 27th October 2014
2014's National Audio Show (September 2014 at Whittlebury Hall) proved to be a turning point in my long journey explaining what quality I am looking for in a Hi-Fi system or any part of it. My talk of 'musicality' and 'rhythm and timing' has been heard and understood by many but also remained a mystery to many.